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New year, New floors!

Here at Ulok Self Storage we like to make sure we keep all of our sites clean, well maintained and looking brand new all year round.

With our first site now passed the 2 year mark since opening, we thought it best we get all of our warehouse floors resurfaced. Over the years we have had so many amazing customers at each of our four sites, some come and go for temporary storage and some customers still with us since the day we opened!

Along with that constant movement, the floors are expected to contract some wear and tear, so some resurfacing was definitely due. We believe that making sure the floors are level and smooth is crucial for a storage site, with the need to be able to wheel trolleys, furniture and sack trucks to and from your storage unit.

We started with our FY2 site on Cromer Road, which is now our first site to be complete, with the floor now fully resurfaced and repainted.

Both our FY4 & FY1 sites have been resurfaced and are just awaiting the new coat of paint, with our final site in FY8 due to be resurfaced and repainted very soon.

For all enquiries with any of our storage units, please contacts us either via email at or call us on 07599 044626!

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